What is crypto faucet and how can I get crypto coins from it?

bitcoinFaucet is a website where you can get Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin and other altcoins for free. All you have to do is solve the chaptha on the website, proving that you are not a robot.

After you have written in the characters from the chaptha or chosen the right pictures, click to the demand button. The coins that you earn that way will be placed on your internal balance, your microwallet or straight to your bitcoin or altcoin wallet. This process can be repeated after a specified time, this could be 10, 30, 60 or more minutes.

You can get information about another bonuses on the websites.


PTC stands for Paid-To-Click and the idea is realy simple. The Bitcoin businesses want to reach out to potential customers and they do so through these Bitcoin PTC sites.

Users click on the ads and visit the site of the business for a few seconds to a few minutes and are rewarded in Bitcoin for doing so.


bitcoinThis is the same as faucet, but in this case you earn free coins while having fun. This could be an easy game, a gamble, or the combination of them.

On our website, you can mostly find sites where you don’t have to pay for using them.


– this should be the first step!

In every case, you have to give your wallet or microwallet address before solving the chaptha, and the coin you receive will be credited directly to your wallet or microwallet.

Of course, there are websites where you can log in with classic registration, but typically, you give for example your bitcoin address and you can immediately use the website.